
The release of her 2nd CD, I Believe, Jodi focuses on the common experiences that we all have in life.  I Believe is bonded together with the common thread of deep, message-filled lyrics.  Jodi believes in doing good to help people get past their fears and accomplish satisfaction in their lives.  Jodi says, "I believe my songs are a therapeutic outlet for all ages."  Here is a little insight into what Jodi's songs are about.

Jodi Griffith is an artist that likes to help people through her work in her songs.  She always has something to say regarding worldly issues.  Where's Kacie Now is a song about a child caught in the middle of a divorce as her parents use her as a negotiating toy.  Jaded is a song that deals with repetitions of our daily lives.  Do you hate your job or do you hate staying home with the kids day after day?  When you do the same thing day after day this can become jaded.

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